Why reverse -isms don’t exist
We are in the middle of our busiest month, where we are scheduled to give 12 days of workshops for…
Read full post about Why reverse -isms don’t exist
We are in the middle of our busiest month, where we are scheduled to give 12 days of workshops for…
Read full post about Why reverse -isms don’t existI was going to take the day off from work today, turn off my computer, and relax but I can't.…
Read full post about How do we move forward? Do the work.There is no such thing as a single issue struggle because we do not live single issue lives. - Audre…
Read full post about Connecting the dots: why black lives must matter to the environmental movementMap above: The Avarna Group's 2016 Travel Map; 38 cities, 19 states, 102 days Greetings and happy winter season esteemed…
Read full post about Thank you for taking this trip around the sun (and nation) with us!We know diversity allows organizations to think out of the box, be more creative and innovative, problem-solve better and see…
Read full post about Equity means supporting single identity spacesIn the wake of Charlottesville this past weekend, I have been thinking quite a bit about how these events connect…
Read full post about Connection the dots: white supremacy and monumentsDear CNN, Like many colleagues, we were thrilled to see that the topic of diversity in the outdoors has made…
Read full post about Nature’s calling — for diversity to be about more than just race Dear colleagues and friends, 2017 has been another momentous year for the Avarna Group. We want to thank…
Read full post about Another year around the sunImage description: author’s rendition of the anti-DEI monster (a/k/a Froghemoth from Dungeons & Dragons) By aparna rajagopal Nearly every day,…
Read full post about Doubling Down on DEI in the Shifting Legal LandscapePhoto Description: Underground tunnel Dear Avarna community, The political attack on DEI has escalated in the past two weeks, with…
Read full post about 2 Weeks In: Reflections, Recommendations, & Resources on DEIhttp://www.nature.com/polopoly_fs/1.16943!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/518288a.pdf
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