Journal prompts (be prepared to share)
- Reflect and write about a moment when someone really showed up in solidarity with you, your people, or your ancestors. Bring this moment to mind. Who showed up? How did they show up? What emotions came up for you when this person showed up for you (e.g., relief? gratitude?). What feelings came up for you in your body (e.g., chest expanding? energizing? comforting like a blanket?
- Reflect and write about a moment when you had the opportunity to show up in solidarity with someone else. Perhaps this is when you heard a microaggression and had a chance to provide feedback. Or a time when you could advocate for a change in workplace policies to support colleagues with marginalized identities. What emotions came up for you when you were presented with this opportunity (e.g., fear? anxiety? excitement?). What feelings came up for you in your body? (shaking? hot?)