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community engagement

A Guide and Call to Honor Native Land

From the website: “Created in partnership with Native allies and organizations, the Guide offers context about the practice of acknowledgment, gives step-by-step instructions for how to begin wherever you are, and provides tips for moving beyond acknowledgment into action.” Visit the US Department of Arts and Culture’s website to download the guide and take steps towards equitable reconciliation.

Geography of Hope

This video collection by the Center for Humans and Nature  captures moving and thoughtful reflections from the biennial Geography of Hope gathering in Point Reyes Station, California. Meeting themes range from “Ancestors and The Land: Our Past, Present and Future” to “Mapping a New Geography of Hope: Women and the Land.” This series is a collaboration with Black Mountain Circle, US Forest Service, and Point Reyes Books. Watch the videos here.

Diné Bikéyah Book

This book, written and published by the Navajo people, provides history and context on the people and lands of the Diné Bikéyah. This is useful for any organization interested in more meaningfully engaging indigenous peoples of the 4 Corners (e.g., in connection with the Bears Ears National Monument).


Cultural Mapping Toolkit

Cultural mapping is a valuable tool for identifying a community’s strengths and its resources. This toolkit was developed by the Province of British Columbia in 2010.


GENIAL: Generating Engagement and New Initiatives for All Latinos

This paper, coauthored by Avarna Group facilitator and founder of Latino Outdoors José Gonzålez, works to complicate the stereotypes organizations have in working with the Latinx community and provides useful guidelines for doing equitable community engagement work. This will be useful for any organization engaging in stakeholder and community engagement, generally, and in particular for organizations working to better engage the “Latinx” or “Hispanic” communities.


The Ways

The Ways is an online collection of videos, stories, maps and information about the Great Lakes Native communities. The creators help us learn and explore concepts of connection to land, animals, and language in the Great Lakes Native communities. Check out more here.